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Dicranota lucidipennis
(1) Dicranota lucidipennis lucidipennis Edwards, 1921
(2) Dicranota lucidipennis luteicolor (Alexander, 1974/1975?)

The taxon luteicolor has been described as a separate species, but this status has subsequently been questioned repeatedly, including the notion that it is only a synonym of the present species. However, I do not follow this notion, because the population denoted as luteicolor clearly differs from typical lucidipennis at least by body color. I therefore regard it as a subspecies of the present species. Only the nominate subspecies occurs in Germany.
Synonymy of Dicranota lucidipennis lucidipennis:

Tricyphona lucidipennis Edwards, 1921
Dicranota lucidipennis (Edwards, 1921)
Dicranota lucidipennis lucidipennis (Edwards, 1921)
Lucidia lucidipennis (Edwards, 1921)
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