No subspecies are recognized.
Tipula grandis
Panzer, 1804 (p. 187) (nomen dubium, tentative synonym, see note below)
Tipula irrorata Macquart, 1826
Tipula pictipennis Staeger, 1840
Tipula micans Zetterstedt, 1851
Note: The taxon Tipula grandis has been described by
Panzer (1804)
from Regensburg (Bayern), but with insufficient detail
to identify the species beyond reasonable doubt. In addition
the type material appears to be lost. Thus, Tipula grandis is generally
regarded as a nomen dubium that will never be identified unequivocally
and I agree with this notion. However, I believe that the taxon
can nevertheless be tentatively assigned to Tipula irrorata, because the
short description and Schaeffer´s figure (
Schaeffer 1766) (which was the basis for Panzer´s description) fit quite well with the appearance of
Tipula irrorata. Especially the description: "alis nebulosis punctis
maculisque costalibus nigris" ("wings cloudy with black costal dots and
markings"), fits the wings of Tipula irrorata very well. There are some
other Tipula species with spotted wings, but the pattern shown for
Tipula grandis fits well with a dark specimen of Tipula irrorata; in
addition, most of these other species have further markings on the
abdomen (usually a black or dark brown lines), and the figure of
Tipula grandis shows a female specimen without dark markings on the
abdomen, very similar to Tipula irrorata.
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