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Lygaeus numenius Say, 1831
Belonochilus numenius (Say, 1831)
Belonchilus nummenius auct. (misspelling)
The status of Belonochilus mexicanus Distant, 1893 is unclear. It might be a synonym of the present taxon.
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An American species that has been introduced elsewhere along with its
plant, trees of the genus Platanus. These trees are very popular
ornamental trees in cities, and a number of heteropteran species have
been introduced to Europe along with them in the past decades.
Belonochilus numenius has been reported in Europe from Palma de
Mallorca in 2008, and has since been recorded from a number of European
countries including Spain, France, Monaco, Italy, Austria, Slovakia,
Czech Republic, Hungary, and Switzerland; there is also a record from
the Azores (
Werner 2014). The first
record of the present species in Germany (from Baden-Württemberg) has
been published by
Werner et al. 2013.
Werner (2014) lists 4 records from different localities in Baden-Württemberg (all from 2012). The species is also known from Bayern (
Bräu 2014) and Nordrhein-Westfalen (
Hörren and Bodingbauer 2020b).
The host plant is Plane (genus Platanus).