Tinea bergstraesserella Fabricius, 1781
Phalaena bergstraesserella (Fabricius, 1781)
Tinea bergstraesserella (Fabricius, 1781)
Aechmia bergstraesserella (Fabricius, 1781)
Glyphipteryx bergstraesserella (Fabricius, 1781)
Glyphipterix bergstraesserella (Fabricius, 1781)
Tortrix treitschkeana Froelich, 1828
Glyphipteryx pietruskii Novicki, 1864 (see note below)
Glyphipteryx bergstraesserella pietruskii (Novicki, 1864)
Glyphipterix bergstraesserella pietruskii (Novicki, 1864)
Glyphipteryx bergstraesserella arcuatella Klemensiewicz, 1907
Glyphipteryx altiorella Bauer, 1923 (see note below)
Tinea bergstraessela auct. (misspelling)
Phalaena linneella auct. nec Clerck, 1759 (misidentification)
Aechmia linneella auct.
Tinea linneella auct.
Glyphipterix linneella auct.
Aechmia lineella auct. (misspelling)
Tortrix lineana auct. nec Clerck, 1759 (misidentification; unjustified emendation)
Glyphipteryx linneana auct. nec Clerck, 1759 (misidentification; correction of unjustified emendation)
The status of the taxon pietruskii (=altiorella) is discussed controversially. Some
authors consider it as a subspecies, while others assume that it is only
a seasonal polymorphism (second generation). I list it as a synonym
until its status is clarified.