Heribeia simpliciella Stephens, 1834
Glyphipteryx simpliciella (Stephens, 1834)
Glyphipterix simpliciella (Stephens, 1834)
Heribeia cognatella Stephens, 1834
Glyphipteryx cognatella (Stephens, 1834)
Oecophora conjunctella O. G. Costa, 1834
Ornix colluripennella O. G. Costa, 1834 (nomen nudum)
Elachista colluripennella O. G. Costa, 1836
Elachista aechmiella Duponchel, 1838
Aechmia fischeriella Zeller, 1839
Glyphipteryx fischeriella (Zeller, 1839)
Glyphipterix fischeriella (Zeller, 1839)
Aechmia(?) desiderella Fischer von Roeslerstamm, 1841 (no genus name given)
Aechmia desideratella Duponchel, 1842
Aechmia roeslerstammella Fischer von Roeslerstamm, 1841 (1843?)
Glyphipteryx fischeriella roeslerstammella (Fischer von Roeslerstamm, 1843?)
Glyphipteryx nattani Gozmany, 1954 (unclear synonym)
Glyphipterix nattani (Gozmany, 1954)
Glyphipterix fischerella auct. (misspelling)
Glyphipteryx seppella auct. nec Huebner, 1796 (misidentification)
Glyphipteryx variella auct. nec Zeller, 1839 (misidentification)
Glyphipterix cramerella auct. nec Fabricius, 1781 (misidentification; see below))
Tinea cramerella Fabricius, 1781 is sometimes regarded as a senior synonym of the present species. However, Diakonoff (1986)
has studied the type of Tinea cramerella: it is heavily damaged, cannot
be identified to species level, but is certainly no Glyphipterix
species. Thus, this name is a nomen dubium and does not belong in the
synonymy of the present species.
this species is not identical with Glyphipterix simplicella Christoph,
1882 (described from the Russian Far East). The one-letter difference
between the names is sufficient to be regarded as different names
according to the rules of zoological nomenclature. In this case,
however, the two forms look like misspellings of each other and the
similarity of the two names in the same genus (!) is quite unfortunate.