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Zur Gattungszugehörigkeit (Phengaris vs. Maculinea), siehe
unter Phengaris alcon.
Fric Z, Wahlberg N, Pech P, Zrzavy J. 2007.
Phylogeny and classification of the Phengaris-Maculinea clade
(Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae): total evidence and phylogenetic
species concepts. Systematic Entomology 32, 558-567.
Pech P, Fric Z, Konvicka M, Zrzavy J. 2004. Phylogeny of
Maculinea blues (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) based on
morphological and ecological characters: evolution of
parasitic myrmecophily. Cladistics 20, 362-375.