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Familia Melanthripidae
General Information 
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General information
The members of this family have broad wings that have at least four cross-veins, similar to Aeolothripidae, but unlike most other Thysanoptera that have narrow wings and have lost most or all cross-veins.

The females of the Melanthripidae have reduced the sternite of the eighth abdominal segment, but not entirely (like in Aeolothripidae), but the sternite is still present in the form of two separate sklerite lobes, which is very similar to the Merothripidae (not yet recorded in Germany).

All known members of the Melanthripidae are flower feeders, some are restricted to a few plant species, while some are visiting the flowers of a larger variety of plants.

Zoographia Germaniae is authored and maintained by Niko Prpic-Schäper.
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