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Publikationen in referierten Zeitschriften und Tagungsbänden der Abteilung Pflanzenernährung und Ertragsphysiologie


Rummel PS, Pfeiffer B, Pausch J, Well R, Schneider D, Dittert K (2020) Maize root and shoot litter quality controls short-term CO2 and N2O emissions and bacterial community structure of arable soil. Biogeosciences, 17: 1181–1198, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-17-1181-2020

Surey R, Schimpf CM, Sauheitl L, Mueller CW, Rummel PS, Dittert K, Kaiser K, Böttcher J, Mikutta R (2020) Potential denitrification stimulated by water-soluble organic carbon from plant residues during initial decomposition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 147: 107841, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soilbio.2020.107841



Abbadi J, Dittert K, Steingrobe B, Claassen N (2019) Mechanisms of potassium uptake efficiency and dynamics in the rhizosphere of safflower and sunflower in different soils. J PLANT NUTR 42: 2459-2483, doi:

Bhadoria PS, Samal D, Singh S, Steingrobe B, Claassen N (2019) Significance of P influx and Root Growth in P Acquisition at Different Growth Stages of Maize, Wheat and Groundnut Grown in a P-Deficient Alfisol. J. of the Indian Society of Soil Science. Journal of the Indian Society of Soil Science 67: 73-84, doi: 10.5958/0974-0228.2019.00008.2

Cabeza RA, Steingrobe B, Claassen N (2019) Phosphorus Fractionation in Soils Fertilized with Recycled Phosphorus Products. SOIL SCI PLANT NUTR 19: 611-619, doi: 10.1007/s42729-019-00061-8

Grahmann K, Dittert K, Verhulst N, Govaerts B, Buerkert A (2019) N-15 Fertilizer recovery in different tillagestraw systems on a Vertisol in north-west Mexico. SOIL USE MANAGE 35: 482-491

Hauer-Jákli M, Tränkner M (2019) Critical Leaf Magnesium Thresholds and the Impact of Magnesium on Plant Growth and Photo-Oxidative Defense: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis From 70 Years of Research. FRONT PLANT SCI 10: 766, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00766

Hou W, Tränkner M, Lu J, Yan J, Huang S, Ren T, Cong R, Li X (2019) Interactive effects of nitrogen and potassium on photosynthesis and photosynthetic nitrogen allocation of rice leaves. BMC PLANT BIOL 19(1): 302, doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1894-8

Khanal G, Wachendorf C, Dittert K, Willich M, Dietz H, Buerkert A, Ingold M (2019) Nitrogen turnover in a repeatedly manured arid subtropical soil: Incubation studies with 15N isotopes. J PLANT NUTR SOIL SC 182: 836-845, doi: 10.1002/jpln.201800340

Tränkner M, Jamali Jaghdani S (2019) Minimum magnesium concentrations for photosynthetic efficiency in wheat and sunflower seedlings. PLANT PHYSIOL BIOCH 144: 234-243, doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2019.09.040


Cabeza RA, Claassen N (2018) Sistemas radicales de cultivos:extensión, distribution and growth. Agro Sur 45: 31-45

Claassen N, Römer W, Hilmer R, Steingrobe B, Möllers C, Dittert K (2018) Wie viel Kalium braucht der Raps. Raps 4: 28-33

Grahmann K, Verhulst N, Dittert K, Govaerts B, Buerkert A (2018) High N fertilizer application to irrigated wheat in Northern Mexico for conventionally tilled and permanent raised beds: Effects on N balance and short term N dynamics. J PLANT NUTR SOIL SC 181: 606-620

Guo L, Liu MJ, Zhang YA, Tao YY, Zhang F, Li GY, Dittert K, Lin S (2018) Yield differences get large with ascendant altitude between traditional paddy and water-saving ground cover rice production system. EUR J AGRON 92: 9-16

Hou W, Yan J, Jákli B, Lu J, Ren T, Cong R, Li X (2018) Synergistic effects of nitrogen and potassium on quantitative limitations to photosynthesis in rice (Oryza sativa L.). J AGR FOOD CHEM 20: 5125-5132

Jákli B, Hauer-Jákli M, Böttcher F, Meyer zur Müdehorst J, Senbayram M, Dittert K (2018) Leaf, canopy and agronomic water-use efficiency of field-grown sugar beet in response to potassium fertilization. J AGRON CROP SCI 204: 99-110

Köbke S, Senbayram M, Pfeiffer B, Nacke H, Dittert K (2018) Post-harvest N2O and CO2 emissions related to plant residue incorporation of oilseed rape and barley straw depend on soil NO3- content. SOIL TILL RES 179: 105-113

Koch M, Busse M, Naumann M, Jákli B, Smit I, Cakmak I, Hermans C, Pawelzik E (2018) Differential effects of varied potassium and magnesium nutrition on production and partitioning of photoassimilates in potato plants. ACTA PHYSIOL PLANT 0: 1-5, doi: 10.1111/ppl.12846

Li L, Jákli B, Lu P, Ren T, Ming J, Liu S, Wang S, Lu J (2018) Assessing leaf nitrogen concentration of winter oilseed rape with canopy hyperspectral technique considering a non-uniform vertical nitrogen distribution. IND CROP PROD 116: 1-14

Römer W, Steingrobe B (2018) Fertilizer Effect of Phosphorus Recycling Products. SUSTAINABILITY-BASEL 10: 1166, doi: Doi:10.3390/su10041166

Tavakol E, Jakli B, Cakmak I, Dittert K, Karlovsky P, Pfohl K, Senbayram M (2018) Optimized potassium nutrition improves plant-water-relations of barley under PEG-induced osmotic stress. PLANT SOIL 430: 23-25

Tränkner M, Jákli B, Tavakol E (2018) Functioning of potassium and magnesium in photosynthesis, photosynthate translocation and photoprotection. PHYSIOL PLANTARUM 163: 414-431


Abbadi J, Dittert K, Steingrobe B, Claassen N (2017) Mechanisms of Phosphorus Uptake Efficiency of Safflower and Sunflower Grown in Different Soils. Research in Plant Sciences 5: 26-42

Cabeza R, Myint K, Steingrobe B, Stritsis C, Schulze J, Claassen N (2017) Phosphorus fractions depletion in the rhizosphere of young and adult maize and oilseed rape plants. J SOIL SCI PLANT NUTR 17: 824-838

Chen Q, Hooper D U, Li H, Gong X Y, Peng F, Wang H, Dittert K and Lin S (2017) Effects of resource addition on recovery of production and plant functional composition in degraded semiarid grasslands. Oecol. 184, 13-24.

Dittert K and Bürkert A (2017) Spezielle Probleme der Düngung. In Ökologische Landwirtschaft. Eds. M Wachendorf, A Bürkert and R Graß. pp. 338-351. Verlag Eugen Ulmer, Stuttgart, Germany.

Jákli B, Jákli-Hauer M, Böttcher F, Meyer zur Müdehorst J, Senbayream M, Dittert K (2017) Leaf, canopy and agronomic water-use efficiency of field-grown sugar beet in response to potassium fertilization. J AGRON CROP SCI 204: 99-110, doi: 10.1111/jac.12239

Jákli B, Tavakol E, Tränkner M, Senbayram M, Dittert K (2017) Quantitative limitations to photosynthesis in K deficient sunflower and their implications on water-use efficiency. J PLANT PHYSIOL 209: 20-30

Liese R, Schulze J, Cabeza RA (2017) Nitrate application or P deficiency induce a decline in Medicago truncatula N2-fixation by similar changes in the nodule transcriptome. Sci Rep 7: 46264

Ruser R, Fuss R, Andres M, Hegewald H, Kesenheimer K, Kobke S, Rabiger T, Quinones T S, Augustin J, Christen O, Dittert K, Kage H, Lewandowski I, Prochnow A, Stichnothe H and Flessa H (2017) Nitrous oxide emissions from winter oilseed rape cultivation. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 249, 57-69.

Römer W, Claasen N, Hilmer R, Steingrobe B, Möllers C, Dittert K (2017) Wie viel Phosphor braucht der Raps. Raps 4: 28 - 32

Wu D, Senbayram M, Well R, Brüggemann N, Pfeiffer B, Loick N, Stempfhuber B, Dittert K, Bol R (2017) Nitrification inhibitors mitigate N2O emissions more effectively under straw-induced conditions favoring denitrification. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM 104: 107-207, doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2016.10.022


Avenhaus U, Cabeza RA, Liese R, Sulieman S, Lingner A, Dittert K, Salinas-Riester G, Pommerenke C, Schulze J (2016) Short-term molecular acclimation processes of legume nodules to increased external oxygen concentration. FRONT PLANT SCI 6: 1133

Gong XY, Giese M, Dittert K, Lin S, Taube F (2016) Topographic influences on shoot litter and root decomposition in semiarid hilly grasslands. GEODERMA 282: 112-119

Jákli B, Tränkner M, Senbayram M, Dittert K (2016) Adequate supply of potassium improves plant water-use efficiency but not leaf water-use efficiency of spring wheat. J PLANT NUTR SOIL SC 179: 733-745

Tränkner M, Jakli B, Tavakol E, Geilfus CM, Cakmak I, Dittert K, Senbayram M (2016) Magnesium deficiency decreases biomass water-use efficiency and increases leaf water-use efficiency and oxidative stress in barley plants. PLANT SOIL 406: 409-423

Wiesler F, Hund-Rinke K, Gäth S, George E, Greef JM, Hölzle LE, Holz F, Hülsbergen KJ, Pfeil R, Severin K, Frede HG, Blum B, Schenkel H, Horst W, Dittert K, Ebertseder T, Osterburg B, Philipp W, Pietsch M (2016) Use of organic fertilizers and organic wastes in agriculture. Berichte über Landwirtschaft - Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft 94: 1-25, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.12767/buel.v94i1.124.g251


Avenhaus U, Cabeza RA, Liese R, Lingner A, Dittert K, Salinas-Riester G, Pommerenke C, Schulze J (2015) Short-Term Molecular Acclimation Processes of Legume Nodules to Increased External Oxygen Concentration. FRONT PLANT SCI 6: 1133, doi: 10.3389/fpls.2015.01133

Cabeza R, Liese R, Fischinger S, Sulieman S, Avenhaus U, Lingner A, Hein H, Köster B, Baumgarten V, Dittert K, Schulze J (2015) Long-term non-invasive and continuous measurements of legume nodule activity. PLANT J 81: 637-648

Gong X, Fanselow N, Dittert K, Taube F, Lin S (2015) Response of primary production and biomass allocation to nitrogen and water supplementation along a grazing intensity gradient in semiarid grassland. EUR J AGRON 63: 27-35

Köster J, Cardenas L, Bol R, Lewicka-Szczebak D, Senbayram M, Well R, Giesemann A, Dittert K (2015) Anaerobic digestates lower N2O emissions compared to cattle slurry by affecting rate and product stoichiometry of denitrification - an N2O isotopomer case study. SOIL BIOL BIOCHEM 84: 65-74, doi: 10.1016/j.soilbio.2015.01.021

Senbayram M, Tränkner M, Dittert K, Brück H (2015) Daytime leaf water use efficiency does not explain the relationship between plant N status and biomass water-use efficiency of tobacco under non-limiting water supply. J PLANT NUTR SOIL SC 178 (4): 682-692, doi: 10.1002/jpln.201400608

Tao Y, Zhang Y, Jin X, Saiz G, Jing R, Guo L, Liu M, Shi J, Zuo Q, Tao H, Butterbach-Bahl K, Dittert K, Lin S (2015) More rice with less water - evaluation of yield and resource use efficiency in ground cover rice production system with transplanting. EUR J AGRON 68: 13-21

Xiao Q, De Gernier H, Kupcsik L, De Pessemier J, Dittert K, Fladung K, Verbruggen N, Hermans C (2015) Natural genetic variation of Arabidopsis thaliana root morphological response to magnesium supply. CROP PASTURE SCI 66: 1249-1258


Cabeza R, Koester B, Liese R, Lingner A, Baumgarten V, Dirks J, Salinas-Riester G, Pommerenke C, Dittert K, Schulze J (2014) An RNA sequencing transcriptome analysis reveals novel insights into molecular aspects of the nitrate impact on the nodule activity of Medicago truncatula. J PLANT PHYSIOL 164: 400-411

Cabeza RA, Liese R, Lingner A, von Stieglitz I, Neumann J, Salinas-Riester G, Pommerenke C, Dittert K, Schulze J (2014) RNA-seq transcriptome profiling reveals that Medicago truncatula nodules acclimate N2-fixation before emerging P deficiency reaches the nodules. J EXP BOT 65(20): 6035-48, doi: 10.1093/jxb/eru341

Cabeza RA, Lingner A, Liese R, Sulieman S, Senbayram M, Tränkner M, Dittert K, Schulze J (2014) The activity of nodules of the supernodulating mutant Mtsunn is not limited by photosynthesis under optimal growth conditions. INT J MOL SCI 15(4): 6031-45, doi: 10.3390/ijms15046031

Chen R, Senbayram M, Blagodatsky S, Myachina O, Dittert K, Lin X, Blagodatskaya E, Kuzyakov Y (2014) Soil C and N availability determine the priming effect: microbial N mining and stoichiometric decomposition theories. GLOBAL CHANGE BIOL 20(7): 2356-67, doi: 10.1111/gcb.12475

Claus S, Taube F, Wienforth B, Svoboda N, Sieling K, Kage H, Senbayram M, Dittert K, Gericke D, Pacholski A, Herrmann A (2014) Life-cycle assessment of biogas production under the environmental conditions of northern Germany: greenhouse gas balance. J AGR SCI-CAMBRIDGE 152; S1: 172-181

Köster JR, Dittert K, Mühling KH, Kage H, Pacholski A (2014) Cold season ammonia emissions from land spreading with anaerobic digestates from biogas production. ATMOS ENVIRON 84: 35-38

Lewicka-Szcebak D, Well R, Köster JR, Fuß R, Senbayram M, Dittert K, Flessa H (2014) Experimental determinations of isotopic fractionation factors associated with N2O production and reduction during denitrification. GEOCHIM COSMOCHIM AC 134: 55-73

Schmeer M, Loges R, Dittert K, Senbayram M, Horn R, Taube F (2014) Legume-based forage production systems reduce nitrous oxide emissions. SOIL TILL RES 143: 17-25

Senbayram M, Chen R, Wienforth B, Herrmann A, Kage H, Mühling KH, Dittert K (2014) Emission of N2O from Biogas Crop Production Systems in Northern Germany. BIOENERG RES 4: 1223-1236


Claus S, Taube F, Wienforth B, Svoboda N, Sieling K, Kage H, Senbayram M, Dittert K, Gericke A, Pacholski A, Hermann A (2013) Life-cycle assessment of biogas production under the environmental conditions of northern Germany: greenhouse gas balance. J AGR SCI-CAMBRIDGE 2013: 1-10, doi: 10.1017/S0021859613000683

Esfahani M, Sulieman S, Schulze J, Yamaguchi-Shinozaki K, Shinozak K, Tran L (2013) Approaches for enhancement of N2 fixation efficiency of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under limiting nitrogen conditions. PLANT BIOTECHNOL J 2013: 1-11

Köster JR, Well R, Tuzson B, Bol R, Dittert K, Giesemann A, Emmenegger L, Manninen A, Cárdenas L, Mohn J (2013) Novel laser spectroscopic technique for continuous analysis of N2O isotopomers--application and intercomparison with isotope ratio mass spectrometry. RAPID COMMUN MASS SP 27(1): 216-22, doi: 10.1002/rcm.6434

Köster RJ, Well R, Dittert K, Giesemann A, Lewicka-Szczebak D, H.Mühling K, Herrmann A, Lammel J, and MS (2013) Soil denitrification potential and its influence on N2O reduction and N2O isotopomer ratios. RAPID COMMUN MASS SP 27: 2363-2373

Sulieman S, Ha CV, Schulze J, Tran JP (2013) Growth and nodulation of symbiotic Medicago truncatula at different levels of phosphorus availability. PHYTON-INT J EXP BOT 64: 2701-2712, doi: 10.1093/jxb/ert122


Chen R, Senbayram M, Blagodatsky S, Myachina O, Dittert K, Blagodatskaya E, Kuzyakov Y (2012) Decomposition of biogas residues in soil and their effects on microbial growth kinetics and enzyme activities. BIOMASS BIOENERG 45: 221-229

Senbayram M, Chen R, Budai A, Bakken L, Dittert K (2012) N2O emission and the N2O/(N2O + N2) product ratio of denitrification as controlled by available carbon substrates and nitrate concentrations. AGRICULTURE ECOSYSTEMS & ENVIRONMENT 147:4–12. Available online at: ISI:000300926400002.

Stritsis C, Steingrobe B, Claassen N (2012) Shoot cadmium concentration of soil-grown plants as related to their root properties. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE 175:456–465.


Becker K, S.A. Fischinger, G. Leithold (2011) Einfluss von Schwefel- und Stickstoffdüngung auf den Kornertrag von Winterraps in ökologischem Landbau Es Geht ums Ganze: Forschen im Dialog von Wissenschaft und Praxis. Beiträge zur 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau. Dr. Koester, Berlin, pp 310–311.

Cabeza R, Steingrobe B, Romer W, Claassen N (2011) Effectiveness of recycled P products as P fertilizers, as evaluated in pot experiments. NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS 91:173–184.

Chen RR, Hu JL, Dittert K, Wang JH, Zhang JB, Lin XG (2011) Soil total nitrogen and natural 15N in response to long-term fertilizer management of a maize-wheat cropping system in northern China. Commun.Soil Sci.Plant Anal 42:322–331. Available online at: ISI:000287029000007.

Chen RR, Senbayram M, Lin XG, Dittert K (2011) Origin of positive delta 13C of emitted CO2 from soils after application of biogas residues. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 43:2194–2199. Available online at: ISI:000295153300023.

Fanselow N, Schönbach P, Gong XY, Lin S, Taube F, Loges R, Pan QM, Dittert K (2011) Short-term regrowth responses of four steppe grassland species to grazing intensity, water and nitrogen in Inner Mongolia. Plant Soil 340:279–289. Available online at: ISI:000288607300021.

Fischinger SA, Becker K, Leithold G. (2011) Auswirkungen unterschiedlicher S-Versorgungszustände auf den N-FLächenertrag eines Luzerne-Kleegrasbestandes Es Geht ums Ganze: Forschen im Dialog von Wissenschaft und Praxis. Beiträge zur 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau. Dr. Koester, Berlin, pp 183–185.

Gong XY, Chen Q, Dittert K, Taube F, Lin S (2011) Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium nutritional status of semiarid steppe grassland in Inner Mongolia. Plant Soil 340:265–278. Available online at: ISI:000288607300020.

Gong XY, Chen Q, Lin S, Brueck H, Dittert K, Taube F, Schnyder H (2011) Tradeoffs between nitrogen- and water-use efficiency in dominant species of the semiarid steppe of Inner Mongolia. Plant Soil 340:227–238. Available online at: ISI:000288607300017.

Khorassani R, Hettwer U, Ratzinger A, Steingrobe B, Karlovsky P, Claassen N (2011) Citramalic acid and salicylic acid in sugar beet root exudates solubilize soil phosphorus. BMC PLANT BIOLOGY 11:-.

Köster JR, Cardenas L, Senbayram M, Bol R, Well R, Butler M, Mühling KH, Dittert K (2011) Rapid shift from denitrification to nitrification in soil after biogas residue application as indicated by nitrous oxide isotopomers. SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY 43:1671–1677. Available online at: ISI:000292995300007.

Li JZ, Lin S, Taube F, Pan QM, Dittert K (2011) Above and belowground net primary productivity of grassland influenced by supplemental water and nitrogen in Inner Mongolia. Plant Soil 340:253–264. Available online at: ISI:000288607300019.

Liu YS, Pan QM, Liu HD, Bai YF, Simmons M, Dittert K, Han XG (2011) Plant responses following grazing removal at different stocking rates in an Inner Mongolia grassland ecosystem. Plant Soil 340:199–213. Available online at: ISI:000288607300015.

Nannen DU, Herrmann A, Loges R, Dittert K, Taube F (2011) Recovery of mineral fertiliser N and slurry N in continuous silage maize using the 15N and difference methods. NUTRIENT CYCLING IN AGROECOSYSTEMS 89:269–280. Available online at: ISI:000287362400009.

Schulze J, Mohamed MA, Carlsson G, Drevon JJ (2011) Phosphorous deficiency decreases nitrogenase activity but increases proton efflux in N-2-fixing Medicago truncatula. PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY 49:458–460.

Sharif M, Claassen N (2011) Action Mechanisms of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Phosphorus Uptake by Capsicum annuum L. PEDOSPHERE 21:502–511.

Wei FT, Tao HB, Lin S, Bouman BA, Zhang LM, Wang P, Dittert K (2011) Rate and duration of grain filling of aerobic rice HD297 and their influence on grain yield under different growing conditions. Scienceasia 37:98–104. Available online at: ISI:000292624600002.

Wu HH, Dannenmann M, Fanselow N, Wolf B, Yao ZS, Wu X, Brüggemann N, Zheng XH, Han XG, Dittert K, Butterbach-Bahl K (2011) Feedback of grazing on gross rates of N mineralization and inorganic N partitioning in steppe soils of Inner Mongolia. Plant Soil 340:127–139. Available online at: ISI:000288607300010.


Fischinger SA, Hristozkova M, Mainassara ZA, Schulze J (2010) Elevated CO2 concentration around alfalfa nodules increases N-2 fixation. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 61:121–130.

Fischinger SA, Schulze J (2010) The argon-induced decline in nitrogenase activity commences before the beginning of a decline in nodule oxygen uptake. JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 167:1112–1115.

Fischinger SA, Schulze J (2010) The importance of nodule CO2 fixation for the efficiency of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in pea at vegetative growth and during pod formation. JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY 61:2281–2291.

Herrmann A, Senbayram M, Dittert K (2010) Treibhausgasemissionen aus der Landwirtschaft. Biogas Journal 3/2010:90–94.

Samal D, Kovar JL, Steingrobe B, Sadana US, Bhadoria PS, Claassen N (2010) Potassium uptake efficiency and dynamics in the rhizosphere of maize (Zea mays L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), and sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) evaluated with a mechanistic model. PLANT AND SOIL 332:105–121.

Sulieman S, Fischinger SA, Gresshoff PM, Schulze J (2010) Asparagine as a major factor in the N-feedback regulation of N-2 fixation in Medicago truncatula. PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM 140:21–31.

Sulieman S, Schulze J (2010) Phloem-derived gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is involved in upregulating nodule N-2 fixation efficiency in the model legume Medicago truncatula. PLANT CELL AND ENVIRONMENT 33:2162–2172.

Sulieman S, Schulze J (2010) The efficiency of nitrogen fixation of the model legume Medicago truncatula (Jemalong A17) is low compared to Medicago sativa. JOURNAL OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGY 167:683–692.


Bhadoria PS, Samal D, Steingrobe B, Claassen N (2009) Phosphorus Uptake Kinetics, Root-Shoot Relations and P-Influx of Groundnut and Maize Grown in Solution Culture. In: UC Davis (ed) Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI.

Brueck H, Senbayram M (2009) Low nitrogen supply decreases water-use efficiency of oriental tobacco. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PFLANZENERNAHRUNG UND BODENKUNDE 172:216–223.

Cabeza Pérez R, Steingrobe B, Römer W, Claassen N (2009) Plant availability of P fertilizers recycled from sewage sludge and meat-and-bone meal in field and pot experiments. In: Ashley K, Mavinic D, Koch F (eds) International Conference on Nutrient Recovery from Wastewater Streams. IWA Publishing, London, pp 215–224.

Dittert K, Mühling KH (2009) Emission of climate relevant trace gases in intensive plant production. Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit - Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety 4:207–211. Available online at: ISI:000265708400015.

Gevrek MN, Beser N, Dittert K, Tatar Ö (2009) Effects of plastic film mulching cultivation system on some agronomic characters of rice in relation with the increase of paddy acreage. Turkish Journal of Field Crops 14:15–29.

Kovar JL, Claassen N (2009) Growth and Phosphorus Uptake of Three Riparian Grass Species. AGRONOMY JOURNAL 101:1060–1067.

Sayyari-Zahan MH, Sadana US, Steingrobe B, Claassen N (2009) Manganese efficiency and maganese-uptake kinetics of raya (Brassica juncea), wheat (Triticum aestivum), and oat (Avena sativa) grown in nutrient solution and soil. JOURNAL OF PLANT NUTRITION AND SOIL SCIENCE-ZEITSCHRIFT FUR PFLANZENERNAHRUNG UND BODENKUNDE 172:425–434.

Senbayram M, Chen RR, Dittert K (2009) Contribution of nitrification and denitrification to nitrous oxide emissions from soils amended with biogas waste compared to other fertilizers. Rapid Commun.Mass Spectrom 23:2489–2498.UC Davis, ed (2009) Proceedings of the International Plant Nutrition Colloquium XVI.

Zhang L, Lin S, Bouman BA, Xue CY, Wei FT, Tao HB, Yang XG, Wang HQ, Zhao DL, Dittert K (2009) Response of aerobic rice growth and grain yield to N fertilizer at two contrasting sites near Beijing, China. Field Crops Res doi:10.1016/j.fcr.2009.07.001:45–53.

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