MPI fuer Dynamik und Selbsto2rganisation |
Publications: Udo
- U. Buck und H. Pauly, Z. Physik 185, 155 (1965) ''Messungen
des van der Waals Potentials zwischen Alkaliatomen"
- U. Buck und H. Pauly, Z. Phys. Chem. 44, 345-352 (1965)
''Dampfdruckmessungen an Alkalimetallen"
- P. Barwig, U. Buck, E. Hundhausen und H. Pauly, Z. Phys.
196, 343-352 (1966) ''Interferenzen bei atomaren
Stoßprozessen: Die Systeme Na-Kr und Na-Xe"
- U. Buck und H. Pauly, Z. Physik 208, 390-417 (1968)
''Interferenzen bei atomaren Stoßprozessen und ihre
Interpretation durch ein modifiziertes Lennard-
- U. Buck und H. Pauly, Z. Naturf. 23a, 475-476 (1968)
''Interferenzexperimente hoher Auflösung bei atomaren Stößen"
- U. Buck and H. Pauly, J. Chem. Phys. 51, 1662-1664 (1969)
''Determination of intermolecular potentials by inversion of
molecular beam scattering data" (communication)
- U. Buck, J. Chem. Phys. 54, 1923-1928 (1971) ''The
determination of intermolecular potentials by the inversion of
molecular beam scattering data. I. The inversion procedure"
- U. Buck and H. Pauly, J. Chem. Phys. 54, 1929-1936
(1971) ''The determination of intermolecular potentials by the
inversion of molecular beam scattering data. II. High
resolution measurements of differential cross sections and the
inversion of the data for Na-Hg"
- U. Buck, K.A. Köhler and H. Pauly, Z. Phys. 244, 180-189
(1971) ''Messung der Glorienstreuung des totalen
Streuquerschnitts von Na-Hg"
- U. Buck, M. Kick and H. Pauly, J. Chem. Phys. 56, 3391-3397
(1972) ''Determination of intermolecular potentials by
inversion of molecular beam scattering data. III. High
resolution measurements and potentials for K-Hg and Cs-Hg"
- U. Buck, J. Chem. Phys. 57, 578-579 (1972) ''On the
analysis of glory extrema in the total scattering cross
- U. Buck, Nach. Akad. Wiss. Göttingen, Math.-Phys.
Klasse Nr. 8, S. 46-48 (1972) ''Die Bedeutung von Schwingungen
bei Atom-Moleküstößen"
- U. Buck, H.O. Hoppe, F. Huisken and H. Pauly, Disc.
Far. Soc. 55, 185-190 (1973) ''The Li-Hg potential from
differential scattering cross section measurements"
- U. Buck, G.M. Dondi, U. Valbusa, M.L. Klein and G.
Scoles, Phys. Rev. A 8, 2409-2416 (1973) ''Determination of
the interatomic potential of Krypton"
- U. Buck, M. Düker, H. Pauly and D. Pust, Compt. Rend.
IV. Symp. Int. sur les jets moleculaires, 70-82 (1974)
''Molecular beams with extremely narrow velocity spreads from
free jet expansions"
- U. Buck, Rev. Mod. Phys. 46, 369-389 (1974) ''The
inversion of molecular scattering data"
- U. Buck, H.O. Hoppe, F. Huisken and H. Pauly, J. Chem.
Phys. 60, 4925-2929 (1974) ''Intermolecular potentials by the
inversion of molecular beam scattering data IV: Differential
cross sections and potential for LiHg"
- U. Buck, H. Pauly, D. Pust and J. Schleusener, Proc. of the
IXth Intern. Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics, edited by M.
Becker and M. Fiebing, Vol. II, p. C.10-1 - C.10-9 (1974)
''Molecular beams from free jet expansions of molecules and
mixed gases"
- U. Buck, Elastic Scattering, Chap. in ''Molecular
Scattering", edited by K.P. Lawley (John Wiley): Adv. Chem.
Phys. 30, 313-388 (1975)
- U. Buck, F. Gestermann, H. Pauly, Proc. of the 5th
Intern. Symposium on Molecular Beams, Nice, C2-1-10 (1975)
''Differential scattering cross sections for anisotropic
interaction potentials"
- U. Buck, F. Gestermann and H. Pauly, Chem. Phys. Lett 33,
186-190 (1975) ''Double rainbows in atom-molecule scattering"
P. Barwig,
- U. Buck and H. Pauly, 50 Jahre MPI für Strömungsforschung,
Göttingen, S. 367-379 (1975) ''Repulsivpotentiale für KHg
durch direkte Inversion differentieller Wirkungsquerschnitte
im Bereich 30-300 eV"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, H. Pauly, D. Pust und J. Schleusener,
50 Jahre MPI für Strömungsforschung, Göttingen, S. 380-391
(1975) ''Eine universelle Molekularstrahlapparatur zur Messung
differentieller Streuquerschnitte"
- U. Buck, F. Gestermann und H. Pauly, 50 Jahre MPI für
Strömungsforschung, Göttingen, S. 392-409 (1975) ''Messungen
differentieller Streuquerschnitte bei Stößen von Na-Atomen mit
mehratomigen Molekülen"
- U. Buck, Habilationsschrift, Universität Göttingen
(1976) "Untersuchungen zur Anisotropie der Wechselwirkung bei
- U. Buck and P. McGuire, Chem. Phys. 16, 101-108 (1976)
''Rotational excitation of HCl by Ar impact"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, J. Schleusener and H. Pauly, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 38, 680-682 (1977) ''Differential cross sections for the
excitation of single rotational quantum transitions: HD + Ne"
- M. Shapiro, R.B. Gerber, U. Buck and J. Schleusener, J.
Chem. Phys. 67, 3570- 3576 (1977) ''Deconvolution of
differential cross sections obtained from molecular beam
- U. Buck and V. Khare, Chem. Phys. 26, 215-221 (1977) ''A
comparison of different sudden approximations for molecular
- U. Buck, V. Khare and M. Kick, Mol. Phys. 35, 65-79
(1978) ''Anisotropic potentials from the rainbow scattering of
sodium atoms and tetrahedral molecules"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, J. Schleusener and H. Pauly, J. Chem.
Phys. 68, 3334-3338 (1978) ''Intermolecular potentials by the
inversion of differential cross sections. V. ArKr"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken and J. Schleusener, J. Chem. Phys.
68, 5654-5655 (1978) ''Diffraction oscillations in
rotationally inelastic differential cross sections. HD+D2"
- R.B. Gerber, M. Shapiro, U. Buck and J. Schleusener,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 41, 236- 239 (1978) ''Quantum-mechanical
inversion of the differential cross section: Determination of
the He-Ne potential"
- S. Bosanac, R.B. Gerber and U. Buck, Chem. Phys. Lett.
58, 359-363 (1978) ''Regge pole analysis of differential cross
sections for elastic molecular scattering"
- U. Buck, L., Mattera, D. Pust and D. Haaks, Chem. Phys.
Lett. 62, 562-566 (1979) ''Ultraviolett emission in Xe-Xe
collision near threshold"
- R.A. Aziz, J. Presley, U. Buck and J. Schleusener, J. Chem.
Phys. 70, 4737-4741 (1979) ''An accurate intermolecular
potential for Ar-Kr"
- R.A. Aziz, P.W. Riley, U. Buck, G. Maneke, J.
Schleusener, G. Scoles and U. Valbusa, J. Chem. Phys. 71,
2637-2643 (1979) ''On the question of the well depth of the
He-Ar interatomic potential"
- J. Andres, U. Buck, F. Huisken, J. Schleusener and F.
Torello, Electronic and Atomic Collisions, N. Oda ed. (1980)
pp. 531-534 ''State resolved ΔJ=2 rotational transition in
hydrogen molecule collisions"
- U. Buck, E. Leßner and D. Pust, J. Phys. B13,
L125-L129 (1980) ''Seeded molecular beam studies of
vibrational to electronic energy transfer near threshold"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, J. Schleusener and J. Schäfer, J.
Chem. Phys. 72, 1512- 1523 (1980) ''Differential cross
sections for the 0 - 1 rotational excitation in HD- Ne
collisions and their relevance to the anisotropic interaction"
- R.B. Gerber, V. Buch and U. Buck, J. Chem. Phys. 72,
3596-3603 (1980) ''Direct inversion method for obtaining
anisotropic potentials from rotationally inelastic and elastic
cross sections"
- U. Buck, F. Gestermann and H. Pauly, Chem. Phys. 50, 217-229
(1980) ''Anistropic interactions from double rainbows in
Na-atom-molecule collisions"
- R.B. Gerber, V. Buch, U. Buck, G. Maneke and J. Schleusener,
Phys. Rev. Lett. 44, 1397-1400 (1980) ''Direct inversion of
rotationally inelastic cross sections: Determination of the
anisotropic Ne-D2 potential"
- D.J. Malik, D. Secrest and U. Buck, Chem. Phys. Lett. 75,
465-467 (1980) ''Potential anisotropy effects on inelastic
differential cross sections"
- J. Andres, U. Buck, F. Huisken, J. Schleusener and F.
Torello, J. Chem. Phys. 73, 5620-5630 (1980) ''The anisotropy
interaction potential of D2Ne from state-to- state
differential cross sections for rotational excitation"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, J. Schleusener and J. Schaefer,
J. Chem. Phys. 74, 535- 544 (1981) ''State resolved rotational
excitation in HD+D2 collisions. I. Angular dependence of 0 - 1
- U. Buck, J. Schleusener, D.J. Malik and D. Secrest, J. Chem.
Phys. 74, 1707- 1717 (1981) ''On the Argon-Methane interaction
from scattering data"
- S. Bosanac and U. Buck, Chem. Phys. Lett. 81, 315-319 (1981)
''Rotational rainbow scattering from an offer-center rigid
shell model"
- U. Buck and J. Schleusener, J. Chem. Phys. 75, 2470-2472
(1981) ''Total differential scattering cross sections for
- J. Andres, U. Buck, H. Meyer and J.M. Launay, J. Chem.
Phys. 76, 1417-1429 1982) ''Rotational excitation in D2-CO
- U. Buck, Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. 73, 187-203 (1982)
''Rotationally nelastic scattering of hydrogen molecules and
the non-spherical interaction"
- U. Buck, Faraday Discuss. Chem. Soc. 73, 308-310 (1982)
''Rainbow scattering of Ar+HCl"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, G. Maneke and J. Schaefer, J. Chem.
Phys. 78, 4430-4438 (1983) ''State resolved rotational
excitation in HD+D2 collisions. II. Angular dependence of 0 -
2 transitions"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, A. Kohlhase, D. Otten and J. Schaefer,
J. Chem. Phys. 78, 4439-4450 (1983) ''State resolved
excitation in D2+H2 collisions"
- U. Buck, J. Kesper, H.H. Kuge and D. Otten, Chem. Phys. 77,
201-212 (1983) ''Relaxation and spectroscopy of CaCl in
seedced supersonic beams"
- U. Buck, A. Kohlhase, T. Phillips and D. Secrest, Chem.
Phys. Lett. 98, 199-201 (1983) ''Differential energy loss
spectra for CH4-Ar collisions"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, D. Otten and R. Schinke, Chem. Phys.
Lett. 101, 126-130 (1983) ''Observation of multiple collision
rotational rainbows in Xe-CO2: Comparison between TOF
measurements and scattering calculations"
- U. Buck and H. Meyer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 52, 109-112 (1984)
''Scattering analysis of cluster beams: Formation and
fragmentation of small Arn clusters"
- U. Buck and H. Meyer, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 88,
254-256 (1984) ''Differential scattering analysis of cluster
- R. Schinke, H. Meyer, U. Buck and G.H.F. Diercksen, J.
Chem. Phys. 80, 5518- 5530 (1984) ''A new rigid-rotor H2-CO
potential energy surface from accurate ab initio calculations
and rotationally inelastic scattering data"
- U. Buck, H. Meyer and R.J. LeRoy, J. Chem. Phys. 80,
5589-5597 (1984) ''Determining the anisotropy interaction
potential of D2Ar from rotationally inelastic cross sections"
- M.J. Norman, R.O. Watts and U. Buck, J. Chem. Phys. 81,
3500-3504 (1984) ''A spherical potential for hydrogen from
solid state and scattering data"
- U. Buck, D. Otten, R. Schinke and D. Poppe, J. Chem. Phys.
82, 202-216 (1985) ''Multiple collision rotational rainbows:
Theory and experiment for Xe-CO2"
- U. Buck and H. Meyer, Surf. Sci. 156, 275-281 (1985)
''Scattering analysis of Ar-cluster beams"
- U. Buck, in: Molecular Astrophysics, edited by G.H.F.
Diercksen, W.F. Huebner and P.W. Langhoff, D. Reidel
(Dordrecht), p. 433-451 (1985) ''Rotational excitation in
molecular beam experiments"
- U. Buck, H. Meyer and H. Pauly, in: Flow of Real Fluids,
edited by G.E.A. Meier and F. Obermeier, Lecture Notes in
Physics 235, 170-178 (1985) ''Clusterformation in supersonic
nozzle beams"
- H. Haberland, U. Buck, and M. Tolle, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 56,
1712-1716 (1985) ''Velocity distributions of supersonic nozzle
- U. Buck, A. Kohlhase, D. Secrest, T. Phillips, G. Scoles and
F. Grein, Mol. Phys. 55, 1233-1253 (1985) ''Rotationally
inelastic scattering and potential calculations for Ne+CH4"
- U. Buck, K.H. Kohl, A. Kohlhase, M. Faubel and V. Staemmler,
Mol. Phys. 55, 1255-1274 (1985) ''Rotationally inelastic
scattering and potential calcualtions for He+CH4"
- R. Schinke, V. Engel, U. Buck, H. Meyer and G.H.F.
Diercksen, Astrophys. J. 299, 939-946 (1985) ''Rate constants
for rotational transitions of CO scattered by para-hydrogen"
- U. Buck, Comm. At. Mol. Phys. 17, 143-162 (1986) ''State
selective rotational energy transfer in molecular collisions"
- F. Huisken, H. Meyer, C. Lauenstein, R. Sroka and U. Buck,
J. Chem. Phys. 84, 1042-1044 (1986) ''Vibrational
predissociation of ethylene dimers selectively prepared by
molecular beam scattering"
- U. Buck, in: Recent Advances in Molecular Reaction Dynamics,
edited by R. Vetter and J. Vigue, Edition du C.N.R.S., p.
327-332 (1986) ''Cluster properties from scattering
- W.E. Ernst, J.O. Schröder, U. Buck, J. Kesper, T. Seelemann,
L.E. Berg and H. Martin, J. Mol. Spectrosc. 117, 342-354
(1986) ''Combined analysis of laser and microwave spectroscopy
on CaCl: The AX and BX systems"
- Z. Bacic, U. Buck, H. Meyer and R. Schinke, Chem. Phys.
Lett. 125, 47-52 (1986) ''Energy transfer in ammonia
dimer-helium collisions"
- U. Buck, J. Kesper, R.E. Miller, A. Rudolph and J. Vigue,
Chem. Phys. Lett. 125, 257-262 (1986) ''Laser bolometric
detection of long lived and predissociating electornically
excited states"
- U. Buck, H. Meyer, M. Tolle and R. Schinke, Chem. Phys. 104,
345-353 (1986) ''Rotationally inelastic scattering in CO2+He
- U. Buck and H. Meyer, J. Chem. Phys. 84, 4854-4861 (1986)
''Electron bombardment fragmentation of Ar van der Waals
clusters by scattering analysis"
- H. Meyer, U. Buck, R. Schinke and G.H.F. Diercksen, J. Chem.
Phys. 84, 4976- 4987 (1986) ''Rotationally inelastic
scattering and potential calculation for NH3+He"
- U. Buck, Comp. Phys. Rep. 5, 1-58 (1986) ''Inversion of
molecular scattering data"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, Ch. Lauenstein, T. Pertsch and R.
Sroka, in: Structure and dynamics of weakly bound complexes,
edited by A. Weber (Reidel, Dordrecht, 1987) p. 477-487
''Infrared photodissociation of van der Waals complexes
selectively prepared by molecular beam scattering"
- U. Buck, F. Huisken, Ch. Lauenstein, H. Meyer and R. Sroka,
J. Chem. Phys. 87, 6276-6283 (1987) ''Infrared
photodissociation of size selected internally excited ethylene
- U. Buck, H. Meyer, D. Nelson, Jr., G. Fraser and W.
Klemperer, J. Chem. Phys. 88, 3028-3031 (1988) ''Fragmentation
of NH3 dimers by electrons impact ionisation"
- U. Buck, J. Phys. Chem. 92, 1023-1031 (1988) ''Properties of
neutral clusters from scattering experiments"
- U. Buck, Ch. Lauenstein, H. Meyer and R. Sroka, J. Phys.
Chem. 92, 1916-1922 (1988) ''Electron bombardment
fragmentation and intramolecular ion-molecule reaction of size
selected C2H4 clusters"
- U. Buck, Ch. Lauenstein, A. Rudolph, B. Heijmen, S. Stolte
and J. Reuss, Chem. Phys. Lett. 144, 396-400 (1988) ''High
resolution infrared photodissociation spectra of C2H4
- U. Buck, in: Atomic and molecular beam methods, edited by G.
Scoles (Oxford, New York, 1988) Chap. 18, p. 449 ''Molecular
scattering: General principles and methods"
- U. Buck, in: Atomic and molecular beam methods, edited by G.
Scoles (Oxford, New York, 1988) Chap. 20, p.499 ''Elastic
Scattering II: Differential cross sections"
- U. Buck, in: Atomic and molecular beam methods, edited by G.
Scoles (Oxford, New York, 1988) Chap. 21, p.525 ''Inelastic
scattering I: Energy loss methods"
- G. Liuti, F. Pirani, U. Buck and B. Schmidt, Chem. Phys.
126, 1-6 (1988) ''Methane-rare gas interaction potentials from
scattering experiments"
- M. Keil, L.J. Danielson, U. Buck, J. Schleusener, F. Huisken
and T. Dingle, J. Chem. Phys. 89, 2866-2880 (1988) ''The He-Ne
interatomic potential from multiproperty fits and Hartree-Fock
- L. Beneventi, P. Casavecchia, F. Vecchiocattivi, G.G. Volpi,
U. Buck, Ch. Lauenstein and R. Schinke, J. Chem. Phys. 89,
4671-4679 (1988) ''Improved potential energy surface for
- U. Buck, G. Hoffmann, J. Kesper, D. Otten and M. Winter,
Chem. Phys. 126, 159- 168 (1988) ''Scattering analysis of NO
clusters in a new molecular beam machine"
- U. Buck, Ch. Lauenstein, R. Sroka and M. Tolle, Z. Phys.
D10, 303-309 (1988) ''Collisional energy transfer and
fragmentation of size selected CO2 clusters"
- U. Buck, X.J. Gu, Ch. Lauenstein and A. Rudolph, J. Phys.
Chem. 92, 5561-5562 (1988) ''Infrared photodissociation
spectra of size selected (CH3OH)n clusters from n=2 to n=8"
- U. Buck, J. Kesper, Ch. Lauenstein, M. Tolle and M. Winter,
Z. Phys. D12, 293- 295 (1989) ''Electron bombardment
fragmentation of size selected molecular clusters"
- U. Buck, Europhysics News 20, 41-44 (1989) ''Properties of
size selected neutral clusters"
- R.A. Aziz, U. Buck, H. Jónsson, J.C. Ruiz-Suárez, B.
Schmidt, G. Scoles, M.J. Slaman and J. Xu, J. Chem. Phys. 91,
6477-6493 (1989) ''Two and three-body forces in the
interaction of He atoms with Xe overlayers adsorbed on (0001)
- U. Buck, X.J. Gu, M. Hobein and Ch. Lauenstein, Chem. Phys.
Lett. 163, 455-460 (1989) ''Infrared photodissocation of
size-selected hydrazine clusters"
- R. Ahlrichs, S. Brode, U. Buck, M. de Kieviet, Ch.
Lauenstein, A. Rudolph and B. Schmidt, Z. Phys. D15, 341-351
(1990) ''The structure of C2H4 clusters from theoretical
interaction potentials and vibrational predissociation data"
- U. Buck and Ch. Lauenstein, J. Chem. Phys. 92, 4250-4255
(1990) ''Electron bombardment fragmentation of size selected
NH3 clusters"
- U. Buck, X.J. Gu, M. Hobein, Ch. Lauenstein and A. Rudolph,
J. Chem. Soc. Faraday Transactions 86, 1923-1929 (1990)
''Infrared photodissociation of mass selected molecular
- U. Buck, X.J. Gu, Ch. Lauenstein and A. Rudolph, J. Chem.
Phys. 92, 6017-6029 (1990) ''Infrared photodissociation of
size-selected methanol clusters"
- U. Buck, R. Krohne, H. Linnartz, J. Chem. Phys. 93,
3726-3727 (1990) ''Reply to the comment on Electron
bombardment fragmentation of size selected NH3"
- U. Buck and B. Schmidt, J. Mol. Liquids 46, 181-196 (1990)
''Calculations of vibrational line shifts for molecular
- U. Buck, in: Proceedings of the International School of
Physics Enrico Fermi Course CVII, editor G. Scoles, Varenna
1988. The chemical physics of atomic and molecular clusters,
North Holland, Amsterdam (1990), p. 543-577 ''Cluster
properties from scattering experiments with atoms"
- U. Buck, X.J. Gu, R. Krohne, and Ch. Lauenstein, Chem. Phys.
Lett. 174, 247- 253 (1990) ''Infrared photodissociation of
size-selected acetonitrile clusters"
- G. Ebel, R. Krohne, H. Meyer, U. Buck, R. Schinke, T.
Seelemann, P. Andresen, J. Schleipen, J.J. ter Meulen and
G.H.F. Diercksen, J. Chem. Phys. 93, 6419- 6432 (1990)
''Rotationally inelastic scattering of NH3 with H2:
Molecular beam experiments and quantum calculations"
- U. Buck in: Dynamics of polyatomic van der Waals molecules,
edited by N. Halberstadt and K.C. Janda, NATO ASI Series B:
Physics Series Vol. 277, Plenum, London (1990), p. 43-58
''Structure and dynamics of size selected clusters"
- U. Buck, Ch. Lauenstein and A. Rudolph, Z. Phys. D18,
181-188 (1991) ''Internal excitation effects in the
photodissociation of size selected ethylene and methanol
- U. Buck, X.J. Gu, R. Krohne, Ch. Lauenstein, H. Linnartz and
A. Rudolph, J. Chem. Phys. 94, 23-29 (1991). ''Infared
photodissociation of size-selected methylamine clusters"
- U. Buck, X.J. Gu, M. Hobein, R. Krohne, Ch. Lauenstein, H.
Linnartz and A. Rudolph, Z. Phys. D 20, 177-180 (1991)
''IR-photodissociation of size selected molecular clusters and
their structures"
- U. Buck, M. Hobein, R. Krohne and H. Linnartz, Z. Phys. D
20, 181-183 (1991) ''Fragmentation by electron impact
ionization and intracluster reactions of size selected (N2H4)n
and (OCS)n clusters"
- J. Ullrich, R. Dörner, S. Lencias, O. Jagutzki, H.
Schmidt-Böcking, and U. Buck, Nucl. Instr. Meth. B 61, 415-422
(1991) ''Recoil-ion momentum spectroscopy"
- U. Buck in: Intermolecular Forces - An Introduction to
Modern Methods and Results, P. Huyskens, W.A.P. Luck and T.
Zeegers-Huyskens, eds., Springer, Berlin (1991), Chap. XIII,
p. 317-336 ''Molecular Beam Scattering: Method and Results on
Intermolecular Potentials"
- G. Ebel, R. Krohne, U. Buck, R. Schinke, J. Phys. Chem. 95,
8232-8235 (1991) ''Differential molecular beam scattering
cross sections as a probe of the NH3-H2 potential surface"
- L. Bewig, U. Buck, Ch. Mehlmann, and M. Winter, Rev. Sci.
Instrum. 63, 3936- 3938 (1992) ''Seeded supersonic alkali
cluster beam source with refilling system"
- L. Bewig, U. Buck, Ch. Mehlmann, and M. Winter, Ber.
Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 96, 1188-1191 (1992) ''Fragmentation
analysis of size selected sodium clusters"
- U. Buck, R. Krohne, J. Siebers in: Nuclear Physics Concepts
in Atomic Cluster Physics, edited by R. Schmidt, H.O. Lutz and
R. Dreizler, Lecture Notes in Physics 404, Springer
Heidelberg, 1992, p. 178-184 ''Vibrational dynamics of large
clusters from high resolution He-atom scattering"
- H. Sun, R.O. Watts, and U. Buck, J. Chem. Phys. 96,
1810-1821 (1992) ''The infrared spectrum and structure of
hydrogen fluoride clusters and the liquid: semiclassical and
classical studies"
- U. Buck, Ber. Bunsenges. Phys. Chem. 96, 1275-1284 (1992)
''Structure and dynamics of size selected molecular clusters"
- U. Buck in: Atomic Physics 13, edited by H. Walther, T.W.
Hänsch and B. Neizert, American Institute of Physics, New
York, 1993, p. 557-572 ''Spectroscopy of size selected neutral
- U. Buck, R. Krohne, J. Siebers, Z. Phys. D 26, 169-171
(1993) ''Diffraction and vibrational dynamics of large
clusters from He atom scattering"
- L. Bewig, U. Buck, Ch. Mehlmann, and M. Winter, Z. Phys. D
26, S. 104-106 (1993). ''Photon and electron impact
fragmentation of size selected sodium clusters"
- U. Buck and B. Schmidt, J. Chem. Phys. 98, 9410-9424 (1993)
''A perturbation approach to predict infrared spectra of small
molecular clusters"
- U. Buck, M. Hobein and B. Schmidt, J. Chem. Phys. 98,
9425-9431 (1993) ''Structure and photodissociation spectra of
mixed ethene-acetone clusters"
- U. Buck, I. Ettischer, S. Schlemmer, M. Yang, P. Vohralik
and R.O. Watts, J. Chem. Phys. 99, 3494-3502 (1993) ''The
anisotropic interaction of He-C2H2 from differential
scattering experiments"
- U. Buck and M. Hobein, Z. Phys. D 28, 331-337 (1993) ''IR
double resonance experiments with size selected clusters for
identification of isomers"
- U. Buck, B. Schmidt and J.G. Siebers, J. Chem. Phys. 99,
9428-9437 (1993) ''Structural transitions and thermally
averaged IR spectra of small methanol clusters"
- U. Buck in: The Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions,
edited by T. Andersen, B. Fastrup, F. Folkmann, H. Knudsen, N.
Andersen, American Institute of Physics, New York, 1993, p.
719-727 ''Diffraction and vibrational dynamics of large
clusters from He-atom scattering"
- U. Buck in: Dynamical processes in molecular physics, edited
by G. Delgado- Barrio, Institute of Physics Publishing,
Bristol 1993, p. 275-297 ''Photodissociation of molecular
clusters: experiment"
- L. Spielberger, O. Jagutzki, R. Dörner, K. Froschauer,
A. Gensmanteil, H. Schmidt-Böcking, J. Ullrich and U. Buck in:
Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Workshop ''(e,2e) and related
processes", edited by C.T. Whelan, H.R.J. Walters, A.
Lahmann-Bennani, H. Erhardt, NATO ASI Series, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Dordrecht, 1993, p. 119-129 ''Recoil ion momentum
spectroscopy: A complementary technique to (e,2e) and (e,3e)"
- A. Garcia-Vela, R.B. Gerber and U. Buck, J. Phys. Chem. 98,
3518-3526 (1994) ''Photolysis of HCl in Ar2-HCl and
Ar-HCl clusters: The cluster size effect"
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