Lingua Aegyptia | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
LingAeg (Journal) | LingAeg–StudMon | FS Junge | Style sheet | TTF Umschrift_TTn | Impressum | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Lingua Aegyptia 14 (2006) – Table of Contents “After Polotsky”
Preface | XI |
Verena M. Lepper | "After Polotsky". New Research and Trends in Egyptian and Coptic Linguistics | 1–6 |
"Rückblick" | |
Ariel Shisha-Halevy | H.J. Polotsky Structuralist | 7–14 |
H.J. Polotsky - Person and Theory | |
Leo Depuydt | Our Knowledge of Egyptian and Coptic since Polotsky | 17–29 |
Stephen Emmel | Coptic Grammatical Terminology before and after Polotsky. Transitivity and Case (with sōtm "Hear" for an Example) | 31–54 |
Wolfgang Schenkel | Von der Morphologie zur Syntax und zurück | 55–82 |
Earlier Egyptian | |
Joris F. Borghouts | Scrambling in Middle Egyptian: the case of ı͗n ı͗r | 85–95 |
Francis Breyer | Ein Faktitiv-Stamm im Ägyptischen | 97–105 |
Paul John Frandsen | Of Crossroad(s) and Theory | 107–114 |
Chris H. Reintges | The Older Egyptian Stative Revisited | 115–134 |
Alessandro Roccati | Die aktiv/passiven Verbalformen des Ägyptischen | 135–138 |
Helmut Satzinger | Die ägyptischen Gerundiva | 139–144 |
Pascal Vernus | Pronoums interrogatifs en égyptien de la première phase | 145–178 |
Later Egyptian | |
Marc Collier | The Lure of Alterity: ı͗nn Conditionals in Late Egyptian | 181–198 |
Åke Engsheden | Über die Markierung des direkten Objekts im Koptischen | 199–222 |
Masakatsu Nagai | Language Variety in the 19th Dynasty | 223–232 |
Stéphane Polis | Les relations entre futur et modalité déontique. À propos des sens du futur III en néo-égyptien | 233–250 |
Joachim Friedrich Quack | Zu Morphologie und Syntax der demotischen zweiten Tempora | 251–262 |
Coptic | |
Sydney H. Aufrère | Chénouté : hellénisme ou démotisme ? | 265–280 |
Nathalie Bosson | Remarques sur la « structure (x)a- . (x)af- » | 281–300 |
Frank Feder | Die "Gräzität" koptischer Bibelübersetzungen. Wege der Übertragung heiliger Schriften | 301–310 |
Tonio Sebastian Richter | 'Spoken' Sahidic. Gleanings from Non-Literary Texts | 311–323 |
Ewa D. Zakrezewska | The Hero, the Villain and the Mob. Topicality and Focality in Bohairic Narrative Discourse | 325–346 |
Language and (Con-)Text | |
Ingelore Hafemann | Lexikon und Argumentstruktur | 349–374 |
Verena M. Lepper | Language and Text | 375–388 |
Ludwig D. Morenz | Zwischen Kontext, Intermedialität, Intertextualität und Individualität. Die Selbst-Präsentation eines Nedjes-iker (BM 1671) | 389–407 |
Alviero Niccacci | On the Heritage of H.J. Polotsky. Assessment of New Insights and an Attempt to Combine His Theory with a Text-Linguistic Approach to Classical Egyptian Narrative | 409–432 |
Deborah Sweeney | Gender and Language in Ramesside Egyptian | 433–450 |
Jean Winand | A Semantic Approach to the Egyptian Language: The Case of Time and Aspect. Towards a New Paradigm | 451–472 |
“Ausblick” | |
Orly Goldwasser | On the New Definition of Classifier Languages and Scripts | 473–484 |
Epilogue | 485 |
Lists of participants | 487–488 |
Addresses of the authors | 489–490 |
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