Lingua Aegyptia - Style Sheet
Possible contributions should be sent to lingaeg(_at_) or lingaeg-review(_at_), respectively, in the following form:
- A text file including an English abstract
– MS Word (.docx, .doc),
– Rich Text Format (.rtf).
Please find a Word Template here:
- A final PDF with embedded fonts (!!!) of the same file.
- Special True Type Font files (!!!) used, other than recommended:
– standard MS Windows system TTF Times New Roman
– the LingAeg transliteration TTF Umschrift_TTn (please use the latest version below),
– the transliteration TTF Transliteration from CCER ( see below),
– the Coptic TTF Coptic from CCER (see below).
– the Unicode TTF Antinoou (see here).
Please use the fonts mentioned here whenever possible - other fonts will have to be converted anyway!
- If the text includes hieroglyphs (generated with Glyph for Windows or JSesh or the like), please send the hieroglyphic text encoded in Manuel de Codage as well. In each case, please follow the style instructions for embedded hieroglyphs below.
- If the contribution contains any pictures, graphics or the like please include the original, if possible.
The decision to publish a manuscript is taken by the editors in agreement with the advisory board.
Transliteration / Transkription
True Type Font Umschrift_TTn v3.0 in a zip archive
encoded by Prof. Dr. Friedrich Junge (Seminar für Ägyptologie und Koptologie, Göttingen)
Sign list (v3.0)
Keyboard layout (v3.0) for US/International keyboard
Tastaturbelegung (v3.0) für deutsche Standardtastatur
Disposition des touches (v3.0) en France

Detailed list of changes.
v3.0 [8/2007] (latest version): additional signs (e.g. Schenkel school ï, capital Alif, Aijn, and Yod); correction of internal names
v2.2 [8/2002]: minor changes in single character styles in non italic/normal
v2.1 [2/2002]: additional signs (e.g. Demotic h with circumflex below)
v2.0 [2/2000]: non-italic/italic–normal/bold; new name: Umschrift_TTn[ew]
v1.0 [9/1996]: italic-normal only (Umschrift_TT)
True Type Font Transliteration from the Centre For Computer-aided Egyptological Research (includes traditional type of transliteration letters in italics)]
True Type Font Coptic (Normal, 04/1995) from from the Centre For Computer-aided Egyptological Research
Tastatur Layout (Normal, 04/1995) für deutsche Standardtastatur
Please find a MS Word template/Formatvorlage (.dotx) here.
- A) Applying to regular
articles: Template for articles with bibliography at the end of the article (author/year system)
Download: Guidelines in detail
- a. Entry in the bibliography
- aa. Articles (no abbreviations of personal names nor journal names)
Hintze, Fritz. 1997. Überlegungen zur ägyptischen Syntax, in: Lingua Aegyptia 5, 57-10.
Aston, Barbara, James A. Harrell & Ian Shaw. 2000. Stone , in: Paul T. Nicholson & Ian Shaw (eds.), Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology, Cambridge , 5-77.
- bb. Monographs (no abbreviations of personal names nor series names)
Munro, Irmtraut. 1994. Die Totenbuchhandschriften der 18. Dynastie im Ägyptischen Museum Cairo, Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 54, Wiesbaden.
Gardiner, Alan H. & Kurt Sethe. 1928. Egyptian Letters to the Dead, Mainly from the Old and Middle Kingdoms , London.
- cc. Defining abbreviations:
Dendara VII = Emile Chassinat. 1972. Le temple de Dendara VII, Cairo.
(Note that the last name precedes the first name with the first author/editor in initial position only.)
- b. Citation in footnotes (same for articles and monographs), e.g.
- Hintze (1997: 58-59).
- Lorem ipsum ... voluptua (Hintze 1997: 58-59).
- Černý (1929 & 1930).
- Gardiner & Sethe (1928: 14-15).
- Aston, Harrell & Shaw (2000: 23).
- Aston et al. (2000: 23).
- Munro (1994: 17-22).
- B) Applying to miscellanies, short
articles, and reviews only: Template for citations in footnotes only, i.e. no extra bibliography (author/short title system)
- 1) First occurence:
- aa. Article
(Full quotation of the journal's name!)
Philippe Derchain, Le scribe qui savait compter l'argent, in: Enchoria 27 (2001), 36-40, here: 37.
- bb. Monographs
(Full quotation of a periodical's title!)
Irmtraut Munro, Die Totenbuchhandschriften der 18. Dynastie im Ägyptischen Museum Cairo, Ägyptologische Abhandlungen 54, Wiesbaden 1994, 6-9.
- 2) Subsequent occurences:
- aa. Articles
(Full quotation of the journal's name / skip author's first name)
Derchain, in: Enchoria 27 (2001), 37.
Quack, in: Zeitschrift für ägyptische Sprache und Altertumskunde 130 (2003), 183.
- bb. Monographs
(short[ened] title / skip author's first name)
Munro, Totenbuchhandschriften der 18. Dynastie, 6-9.
Special fonts
Hieroglyphs generated by JSesh (
In JSesh, please use following settings for the clipboard settings / Zwischenablage-Einstellungen:
- 11 pt (for main text line), or 9 pt (for footnote line)
- Clipboard format: WMF