Lingua Aegyptia

Lingua Aegyptia. Studia monographica

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 ISSN 0946-8641

Cover of LingAeg-StudMon 3
Frank Kammerzell
   Panther, Löwe und Sprachentwicklung im Neolithikum
LingAeg – StudMon 1  out of print
Gerald Moers (ed.)
   Proceedings of the symposion "Ancient Egyptian literature:
    history and forms", Los Angeles, March 24–26, 1995
LingAeg – StudMon 2 out of print
Dörte Borchers, Frank Kammerzell & Stefan Weninger (eds.)
   Hieroglyphen – Alphabete
   Studien zu Multiliteralismus, Schriftwechsel und
LingAeg – StudMon 3 => purchase
Stephan Jäger
   Altägyptische Berufstypologien
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José M. Galán
   Four Journeys in Ancient Egyptian Literature
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Anthony Spalinger
   Five Views on Egypt
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Verena M. Lepper & Leo Depuydt (eds.)
   H.J. Polotsky, Scripta Posteriora on Egyptian and Coptic
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Petra Andrássy, Julia Budka & Frank Kammerzell (eds.)
    Non-Textual Marking Systems, Writing and Pseudo Script
    from Prehistory to Present Times
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Eitan Grossman, Stéphane Polis & Jean Winand (eds.)
    Lexical Semantics in Ancient Egyptian
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Richard B. Parkinson
    The Tale of the Eloquent Peasant: A Reader’s Commentary
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G. Moers, K. Widmaier, A. Giewekemeyer, A. Lümers &
    R. Ernst (eds.)
    Dating Egyptian Literary Texts, “Dating Egyptian Literary
   Texts” Göttingen, 9–12 June 2010, Volume 1

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Andréas Stauder
    Linguistic Dating of Middle Egyptian Literary Texts, “Dating
    Egyptian Literary Texts” Göttingen, 9–12 June 2010,
    Volume 2
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Marc Brose
    Grammatik der dokumentarischen Texte des Mittleren Reiches
LingAeg – StudMon 13 => purchase
Andréas Stauder
    The Earlier Egyptian Passive. Voice and Perspective
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E. Grossman, St. Polis, A. Stauder & J. Winand (eds.)
    On Forms and Functions: Studies in Ancient Egyptian
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J. Budka, F. Kammerzell & S. Rzepka (eds.)
    Non-Textual Marking Systems in Ancient Egypt (and Elsewhere)
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E. Grossman, P. Dils, T S. Richter & W. Schenkel (eds.)
    Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic:
    Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient African Language
    (DDGLC Working Papers 1)
LingAeg – StudMon 17 => purchase  
Kristina Hutter
    Das sḏm=f-Paradigma im Mittelägyptischen:
    Eine Vergleichsstudie verschiedener Grammatiken
LingAeg – StudMon 18 => purchase  

The series Lingua Aegyptia. Studia Monographica is published by Widmaier Verlag (Hamburg).
Please contact the publisher for orders (incl. back issues), subscriptions etc.

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(latest changes ) Jan 24, 2018