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Raphidia ratzeburgi Brauer, 1876
Puncha ratzeburgi (Brauer, 1876)
Agulla ratzeburgi (Brauer, 1876)
Raphidilla alpina Steinmann, 1964
Raphidia ophiopsis auct. nec Linnaeus, 1758 (misidentification)
Raphidia schneideri auct. nec Ratzeburg, 1844 (misidentification)
characters of Puncha ratzeburgi are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. Towards
its caudal
end the pronotum has a brown saddle (a) and a brown rim (b). There is
also a brown ring around the front end of the pronotum (c). The antenna
has a characteristic coloration: the scapus is black (d), the first few
antennal segments are orange brown (e), and the remaining antennal
segments are dark brown (f). The head, viewed from above, has a
characteristic shape: it is very long and has smoothly rounded "cheeks"
towards the neck (Fig. 3). The pterostigma has a dull brown color and is long and narrow.

Fig. 1. Detail of the head and prothorax of Puncha ratzeburgi. For numbered characters please see text.

Fig. 2. Detail of the head and prothorax of Puncha ratzeburgi. For numbered characters please see text.

Fig. 3. Head of Puncha ratzeburgi viewed from above.
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Female. Specimen photographed in Blasiwald (Baden-Württemberg) on August 12, 2014.
Female. Specimen photographed in Blasiwald (Baden-Württemberg) on August 11, 2014.