Package de.grogra.imp3d.glsl.material

Class Summary
GLSLMaterial Represents a class of Shaders that need to be recompiled for every property change.
GLSLPhong Implementation of Shader: Phong.
GLSLRGBAShader Implementation of RGBAShader.
GLSLSideSwitchShader Implementation of Shader: SideSwitch.
MaterialCollection Interface for all GLSLShaders.
MaterialConfiguration This class defines a state for a glsl-Shader, where individual ChannelMaps may register Textures, TmpVariables or UniformVariables.
SkyMaterialConfiguration This class defines a state for a glsl-Shader, where individual ChannelMaps may register Textures, TmpVariables or UniformVariables.
SkyPreviewConfiguration This class defines a state for a glsl-Shader, where individual ChannelMaps may register Textures, TmpVariables or UniformVariables.
SkyReflectionMaterialConfiguration This class defines a state for a glsl-Shader, where individual ChannelMaps may register Textures, TmpVariables or UniformVariables.
TranspMaterialConfiguration This class defines a state for a glsl-Shader, where individual ChannelMaps may register Textures, TmpVariables or UniformVariables.