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Lingua Aegyptia 1 (1991) – Table of Contents
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Egyptian Grammar (Crossroads II)
Los Angeles, October 17–20, 1990
C O N T E N T S 
V |
Allen, J.P. |
Form, function, and meaning in the early Egyptian verb |
1 |
Depuydt, L. |
On Distinctive and Isolating Emphasis in Egyptian and in General |
33 |
Doret, É. |
Cleft-sentence, substitutions et contraintes sémantiques en
Égyptien de la première phase (V–XVIII Dynastie) |
57 |
Eyre, C.J. |
Was Ancient Egyptian really a primitive language? |
97 |
Gilula, M. |
The King's Egyptian |
125 |
Goldwasser, O. |
On Dynamic Canonicity in Late-Egyptian: The Literary Letter and the Personal Prayer |
129 |
Groll, S.I. |
Semiotics, Pragmatics and Structuralism as a means to determine the degree of connectedness between utterances. I: pꜢ -A versus ø-A |
143 |
Israeli, S. |
Narrative in the Medinet Habu War Inscriptions |
155 |
Kammerzell, F. |
Augment, Stamm und Endung. Zur morphologischen Entwicklung der Stativkonjugation |
165 |
Loprieno, A. |
Focus, mood, and negative forms: Middle Egyptian syntactic paradigms and diachrony |
201 |
Meltzer, E.S. |
Participles, Relative Forms and Gemination in Middle Egyptian: A Working Paper |
227 |
Polotsky, H.J. |
"Article" and "Determinative Pronoun" in Coptic |
241 |
Ray, J.D. |
An approach to the sḏm.f : forms and purposes |
243 |
Ritter, T. |
The Distribution of Past Tense Verbal Forms in 18th Dynasty Non-literary Texts from Kamose to Amenophis III |
259 |
Satzinger, H. |
May themes follow on rhemes, and why might they do so? |
293 |
Silverman, D.P. |
Texts from the Amarna period and their position in the development of Ancient Egyptian |
301 |
Sweeney, D. |
What's a Rhetorical Question? |
315 |
Vernus, P. |
Le rhème marqué: typologie des emplois et effets de sens en Moyen Égyptien (Temps Seconds, Cleft Sentences et constructions apparentées dans les stratégies de l'énonciateur) |
333 |
Winand, J. |
Le verbe ı͗y / ı͗w : unité morphologique et sémantique |
357 |
Junge, F. |
How to study Egyptian grammar and to what purpose. A summary of sorts |
389 |
427 |
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