Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte

Papendiek 16
D-37073 Göttingen
Tel.:  +49-(0)551 39 94 67
Fax: +49-(0)551 39 97 48

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Heyne-Haus, Papendiek 16

The Institute for the History of Science
The Institute for the History of Science at Göttingen was founded in 1991. It is a part of the Humanities Faculty, yet offers instruction to students from other faculties as well. The subject can be studied as a minor in both Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes in history, philosophy, sociology, economics, biology, chemistry, geography, geology, mathematics and physics. The teaching curriculum includes a range of lecture courses and seminars in the history of modern science, with an emphasis on the late-modern period. Courses are conducted in German and English.

The Heyne-Haus
In January 2003 the Institute for the History of Science moved to a historical half-timbered building in the old centre of Göttingen, named after the Göttingen professor of ancient languages and history Christian Gottlob Heyne (1729-1812) who bought this house in 1774 . The Heyne-Haus is situated accross from the Old University Library, which now houses a Research Library for the History of Science and the library of the Institute for the History of Science.


Information (in German) about the history of the Heyne-HausChristian Gottlob Heyne and (in English) about the vignette on the home page