The Arabian Nights Bibliography
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- Thomann, Johannes. 2016. "Die frühesten türkischen Übersetzungen von Tausendundeiner Nacht und deren Bedeutung für die arabische Textgeschichte." Asiatische Studien 70,1: 171−219
- Thomann, Johannes. 2017. "The End of the Arabian Nights in Early Ms Tradition." In: Contacts and Interaction: Proceedings of the 27th Congress of the Union Européenne des Arabisants et Islamisants, Helsinki 2014. ed. by Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila, Petteri Koskikallio, and Ilkka Lindstedt. Leuven: Peeters, pp. 477−485.
- Thomann, Johannes. 2020. "Reshaping the Frame Story of the Thousand and One Nights: The Coherence of Prologue and Epilogue in the Earliest Existing Arabic Mss." In The Thousand and One Nights: Sources and Transformations in Literature, Art, and Science. ed. by Ibrahim Akel and William Granara. Leiden: Brill, pp. 22−38.
- Thomann, Johannes. 2020. "'Oh Leader of Women in the World, oh Shahrazad!' The Ending of the One Thousand and One Nights in the Earliest Turkish Translation and Its Relationship to the Arabic Versions." In Endless Inspiration: One Thousand and One Nights in Comparative Perspective. ed. Orhan Elmaz. Piscathaway, NJ: Gorgias Press, pp. 137−168.
- Thomas, Rosie. 2013. "Thieves of the Orient. The Arabian Nights in the Early Indian Cinema." In Scheherazade's Children. Global Encounters with the Arabian Nights. ed. by Philip F. Kennedy and Marina Warner. New York and London: New York University Press, pp. 362−393.
- Thomas, Rosie. 2013. "Thieves of the Orient: The Arabian Nights in Early Indian Cinema." In Bombay before Bollywood: Film City Fantasies. Albany, NY: SUNY Press, pp. 31-65.
- Todorov, Tzvetan. 1968. "Die Erzähl-Menschen." In Irrgarten der Lust: 1001 Nacht. Aufsätze, Stimmen, Illustrationen. Frankfurt am Main: Insel, pp. 65−83.
- Todorov, Tzvetan. 1971. "Les Hommes-récits." In Poétique de la prose. Paris: Seuil, pp. 78−91. (= Todorov, Tzvetan. 2006. "Narrative-Men." In The Poetics of Prose. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 66−79; also in The Arabian Nights Reader. ed. by Ulrich Marzolph. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, pp. 226−238).
- Toelle, Heidi. 2002. "Des pêcheurs de perles aux inn sous-marins." In Dans l'eau sous l'eau. Le monde aquatique au Moyen Âge. ed. by D. James-Raoul and C. Thomasset. Paris: Presses de l'Université de Paris-Sorbonne (Cultures et civilisations Médiévales), pp. 321−337.
- Toelle, Heidi. 2019. "La difficile union des amants: Ġānim et Qūt al-Qulūb." In Savants, amants, poètes et fous: Séances offertes à Katia Zakharia. ed. by Catherine Pinon. Beirut and Damascus: Presses de l'Institut francais du Proche-Orient, pp. 113−132.
- Toldo, Pietro. 1903. "Rileggendo le Mille e una Notte." In Miscellanea di studi critici edita in onore di Arturo Graf. Bergamo: Istituto Italiano d'Arti Grafiche, pp. 491−505.
- Tonna, Jo. 1994. "The Thousand and One Nights and the Poetics of Arab-Islamic Architecture." In Les Mille et une Nuits dans les imaginaires croisés. ed. by Lucette Heller-Goldenberg. Cologne: Romanisches Seminar der Universität Köln, pp. 171−176.
- Tonnet, Henri. 2004. "La Fortune en Grèce des Mille et une Nuits et du recueil de contes de Syntipas." In Les Mille et une Nuits en partage. ed. by Aboubakr Chraïbi. Paris: Sindbad, pp. 412−421.
- Toofan, Massoud. 2013. "The Persian Nights vs. The Arabian Nights." Persian Literary Studies Journal 2,2−3: 1−17.
- Toorawa, Shawkat. 2023. "Teaching the Arabian Nights through Graphic Novels." In Approaches to Teaching the Thousand and One Nights. ed. by Paulo Lemos Horta. New York: Modern Language Association of America, pp. 119−131.
- Toro-Garland, Fernando de. 1966. "La Celestina en Las Mil y una Noches." Revista de literatura 29,57: 5−33.
- Torrens, Henry. 1837. "Remarks on M. Schlegel's Objections to the Restored Editions of the Alif Leilah or Arabian Nights' Entertainments." Journal of the Asiatic Society 63: 161−168.
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- Toso Rodinis, Giulana. 1994. "Fable et histoire dans les Mille et une Années de la nostalgie de Rachid Boudjedra." In Les Mille et une Nuits dans les imaginaires croisés. ed. by Lucette Heller-Goldenberg. Cologne: Romanisches Seminar der Universität Köln, pp. 89−92.
- Tournebize, Cassilde. 1994. "Fantaisies indiennes dans le paysage anglais." In Les Mille et une Nuits: Contes sans frontière. ed. by Edgard Weber. Toulouse: Amam, pp. 143−155.
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